About Us
The GAPFRAME normative framework was developed in 2016 under the leadership of Business School Lausanne. The project was initiated by Katrin Muff (Dean of Business School Lausanne) and developed in a multi-step expert-consultation process that involved several external experts:
Andreas Hauser (Swiss Federal Office of the Environment & Nature FOEN), Mathis Wackernagel (Global Footprint Network), André Schneider, Bruno Oberle, Lorenzo Massa and Albert Merino-Saum (EPFL Switzerland), Mathias Binswanger (FHNW Switzerland), Mark Halle und Laslo Pinter (IISD), Sally Jeanrenaud (University of Exeter, UK), Basil Bornemann (University of Basel), Christian Kobler, Doris Hauser and Antoinette Hunziker-Ebneter (Forma Futura), Eckhard Plinke (Vescore), Alexander Barkawi (Oikos Foundation).
Contact Us
We invite you to use and apply the GAPFRAME data and to share your feedback and comments with us, including if you have an interest to become a part of the multiple expert panels we will be forming as of early 2018 to advance the framework.